Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's the difference between the walkers and the sleepers?

Today I sat amongst a crowd of 300, and I realized I didn't actually have anybody to sit next to. I thought it was kind of funny in an ironic sort of way. So in turn, I went home and read, cherishing the fact everyone of those 300 people lived in their own ridiculous head just as I.

Here is what I have been working on the past few weeks, as I get closer and closer to selling out my art

monogram by you.

First typography assignment- create a monogram using a set font (Arrighi) and your initials.

2nd assignment- figure/ground.

print1 by you.gluttony by you.paranoia6 by you.paranoia7 by you.
3rd assignment- Made words out of random marks and stamps

img106 by you.
Here is a sketch for Christy's dad who wanted a tattoo, it's not a final product by any means, just the beginning of an idea.

SO! That is all that is going on in my life, I'm working my ass off on this next type assignment and I'm excited with the results. Also drawing something original and unprescribed!

Everybody have a great spring break, and if you don't have a break look at the clouds for a moment and find their secrets.

I send this message with the swiftest of my platipi

Copied and Pasted from my facebook note, this is for those of you that still haven't convert to facebookies.

Dear reader, this is my wall. (skip to the bottom if you are antsy for my request)

It is bare, it is empty, and it is very sad. The only thing that this wall stands for day and night are two beautiful canvases of appreciation and acknowledgment.

This painting was stolen from the Dallas Museum of Art. As you can see, Christy Camp is a fine example of the impressionist era. Painting the essence of each being, with thick paint strokes and exemplary understanding of color habits.

Here stands two pandas, proud, a painting by Alexis Carey. I recieved this 3 or 4 years ago, after many a travel and many an acquaintance. There was already a nail in the wall when I moved in, and thus it stands proudly at the top of the room.

My wall stands tall as a luscious tree, and these fruit are forever ripe, never to fall. Alas, here comes my task to you. I wish to improve my skills at watercolors, and the only way to do so is through practice. Here is my first painting -

It was a project I had in November, and of course I started the watercolors the night before it was due (the outline was done earlier). Bad idea, i painted for like 10 hours and I had no idea what I was doing. Anyway, here is what I ask of all of you!

Purchase a small canvas and some cheap acrylic or oil paints, and let the creative horn of the narwhal within your head bloom forth! Paint a mountain, paint a pufferfish popsicle, paint whatever! Just have a good time! There are no limits, glue the head of a reindeer onto it if you feel it necessary! All I ask is you put in a little effort and have some fun.

Next time you find yourself sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and paint! In exchange for your small painting, I will paint you something too! 40 years from now I will have your painting on a wall, and your spirit will reside in my home no matter where in the world you are, never to be forgotten. I need to fill this wall, and you need to help me!

Think of them as large, creative pokemon cards. We can trade and you will rarely be disappointed. This is exclusive to nobody, so tell all your friends and have a painting party!

The only rule- no stick figures.

P.S. I had to make like 309284 notes because of a tag limit, if anyone has any suggestions on a better way to massively send this I'd love you. Sorry if I tagged you 543u times or not at all because I thought I already had.