Friday, September 24, 2010

Critique 9/24

The video in critique is a long, well composed video. Stylisticly, it's amazing how well the 3-D rendering, audio and 2-D design relate. The introduction starts fast and grabs the attention of the viewer by using something common (the count-down) but introducing new elements for your focus. Sound modulation works well as the video is distorted itself. They added shadows really help pop the images as well.

Moving from 3-D to photo, we're put into 2-D design again. The transperency and colors work great, serving their purpose to overwhelm the viewer. The linework really moves the viewer's eye along with the camera as well. The typography is simple, but matches the retro vibe of the entire composition. My concern is that they pick peculiar words at times. The way sound modulates the typography is really interesting though.

Towards the two minute mark, the video begins to fall apart conceptually. This may have been done on purpose, but I feel it's too much for too long. They begin overlapping 3-d on top of photography, while simultaneously bringing on the colors that were originally attention grabbing. This works simliarly to yelling at someone for their attention, then screaming the entire conversation.

Overall, the video is strong, but goes on too long. There are so many elements your mind gets exhausted attempting to break it down, so the pacing is racing the entire video. Hierarchy is respected and broken with knowledge.

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